Monday, August 1, 2011

The Power of a Positive Attitude

The power of a positive attitude is amazing. 

For the most part, I'll bet we all decide at the start of most days that the goal of the day would either be to have either a good day or a great day and to maintain the positive attitude for the entire day to be able to enjoy it.  For myself, I do whatever I am able to not even allow the possibility. or the thought that something may get in the way of my positive goal.  So, for the most part, I start out to only strive for great days. 

Of course we are happy to set our sights on that positive goal and do what it takes to stay on course.  However, sometimes for all of us, due to the attitudes that may possess others, the delivery of an unexpected letter, the uncertainty of all of the aspects involved in the making of the great day for us and the people in it, can ultimately be the reason that we lose sight of maintaining our positive focus and all that is a part of it.  That I know is called, harsh reality!

Yes, no matter what you do to prevent it, from time to time, there seems to be that one 'real' thing, no matter how big or small it may seem to us at that moment, that can get in the way of us having the good or great attitude or good time with one another. 

As recent as this past weekend, I nearly allowed the bad day of another and a letter. while both real mess with me.  However, after talking them through with others, I ultimately realized one I could not own and the other were honest.and loving words to consider and were all part of my new beginning.  So, I did the right thing, maintained a positive attitude and worked it out, but my point is that 'll bet I'm pretty right on when I say that we've all been there.

Having a positive attitude doesn't just happen; you don't decide that you will have a positive attitude and that is it, forever and ever. We must first make small changes in the way we react to our daily circumstances.  We must learn to consistently choose and apply certain patterns of positive thought, which with time lead to encouraging and maintaining a steady positive attitude.

From my own experience, faith and growth, I believe that it is with the power of our thoughts, our words and our actions that we create the positive life forces.  All of which we need in order to fuel our hopes and dreams. Choosing to have a positive attitude, included having to own some of the responsibility when we face a problem or difficulty and deal with it head on.  We should talk about it, work it out, try not to complain about it and not get stuck in it. Rather, look for ways to move forward, and try to find the opportunity in it for all involved, or the lesson we can learn from it. I guarantee there is always one lesson that can help you move on with your day.

Moving on is very important to keep a positive attitude and to not lose sight of your goal or dreams.  We should not get stuck on something someone said, shared with someone else, or that you may think you did wrong or didn't go as you expected. There is so many other wonderful things in life for all of us that we end up losing out on when we allow ourselves to have a negative focus or attitude.

Learn to see and recognise the bright spots and the good things in your life on a daily basis.  Enjoying a positive attitude is something I believe we should put into practice daily, when things go rolling and when they don't; when you feel like it, and when you don't. Especially when you don't.

If we learn to see the bright side of life when we are surrounded by difficulties, we will be building our positive attitudes fast. The more we practice having a positive attitude, the easier and more natural it will come to us. The point is to overcome it in the best possible way for you, and then to face the next thing that goes on in your life without missing all of the good in between.

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